Monday, 9 November 2009

Oh -To - Be - Disney

Is it wrong that when a friend told me his mother, sister , niece and nephew had gone to Disney Land for the week - I was ever so slightly envious?

Not just because I still get excited at the thought of Mickey Mouse visiting the breakfast table or Donald Duck walking along the high-street but because it reminds me of my childhood, where everyday was fun and most of that fun was Disney!

Needless to say - Disney has made a huge come-back Fashion wise and I couldn't help but notice all the Mickey Mouse t-shirts, the Minnie Mouse sweaters and various other characters lining the shop floors at the moment.

In this case, if you want to be in Disney, you have to own a bit of Disney. The choices are endless ...

Here are my top ten must-haves:

Diamante t-shirt - New Look - £20
Minnie Mouse sweater - Urban Outfitters - £38
Sequin Mickey Mouse dress - JC De Castelbajac - - £1,069
Union Jack diamante t-shirt - Disney Couture - - £65
Minnie Mouse t-shirt - Peacocks - £12
'Fairest Of Them All' necklace - Disney Couture - - £18.50
Gold plated princess collection bracelet - Disney Couture - - £69
'Think Wonderful Thoughts' - Disney Couture - - £24.50
Tinkerbell neckalce - Disney Couture - - £14
Minnie Moue ears - Disney Store - £10

Th - th - th - that's all for now folks ...


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