Monday, 2 November 2009

Fashion Rivals

Calling all those that possess a little bit of Fashion Rivalry!

Do you wish your mum dressed more like a 'mum' and less like yourself? Perhaps your sister is always copying your style and even though it was flattering at first, now it's just annoying. Maybe you are the one who wishes your daughter would step out of that reliable tracksuit and begin to dress a little more glamorous ... If any of these sound familiar then keep reading.

BBC3 are looking for Mums, Daughters, Sisters and possibly work colleagues or friends that would relish the opportunity to makeover their rival. Both contestants will be stood in front of a Fashion Jury, who will ultimately decide which person will benefit from their new look the most. That person will then be whisked away and be given the ultimate make-over, which will be later revealed to their rival.

Sound interesting?
Get in touch to find out more ...


BBC THREE are searching for the Mums of today who are younger, hipper, more attractive and independent than ever before!

Do you and your daughter share clothes?

Do people often mistake you for sisters?

Are people amazed at your real age?

If this sounds like you or your mum and you would like the opportunity for a fun and fabulous makeover, then please get in touch.



Call: 03335 777 773

Until tomorrow


Chocolate Bunnys and Designer Dresses

I want you all to try and picture this ...

A scarf has been designed, but not just any scarf, a designer scarf, but not just any designer scarf,a limited edition scarf and further to that, a limited edition - designer scarf - which was given away for FREE!

Over a two day period pop-up boutiques would open at different times throughout the day. Once you had found out the store that would open next, you had to virtually queue and would only be given a scarf if you got to the counter for the duration of time that store stayed open.

Sounds pretty straight forward, right? WRONG!

Not only did you not know which store opened at what time, but you had to keep refreshing the Facebook Caramel Nibbles page for clues as to what link to go to, whilst keeping your eyes glued to the screen in order to see when the 'closed' sign on the pop-up boutique would turn to 'open'. Then, when it did eventually open, you had to type quicker than you have ever typed before and input your full name, DOB and email address and click enter. Your position in the queue could range from 1 to 900, depending on how quick you got to the store when it first opened and how quickly you inputted your details.

Have I lost you? Let me explain ...

Cadbury's have snapped up one of the UK's hottest designers, Giles Deacon, who has created a bespoke Nibbles dress for the Cadbury's Bunny (jealous? us? no!) Luckily, he has also gone on to create a limited edition scarf, which can be redeemed (or bought at a later date) by us humans, of which all proceeds go to Breast Cancer.

Cadbury's Dairy Milk launched (for the first time ever) a digital pop-up store, where the real fashion-forward folk out there were able to get their hands on this fabulous scarf.

Last Thursday and Friday, Nibbles Boutiques were popping up all over the Internet and were only open for a limited time only. With this particular item, it was all about being in the right place at the right time and let me tell you, the paws were out and this was no easy task.

Unfortunately I did not manage to get my virtual hands on one of these delicious scarfs, but I will certainly be popping (or should I say, hopping?!) down to John Lewis, where they will be on sale for the first few weeks of November.

Get your fashionable paws on one too ladies, as this inspired printed scarf will attract compliments from all over and lets be honest, as fun as this 'rabbit' race experience was, I think I prefer to queue normally!

Enjoy the blue sky all - anyone else craving chocolate?
