Monday, 21 September 2009

Monday Monday ...

I promised myself that this week was the week! The week for ...

Healthy Eating

and general ticking, with regards to my to-do-list!

So, I began my day with some cereal, snacked on some fruit, had a chicken salad, snacked on some more fruit and finished with salmon and vegetables (with lots of lemon water in between).

I created this blog and ticked five out of fourteen points on my list - go me!

I took a quick time out,jumped in the car and head towards Primark. Being a lover of all things sparkly, I picked out this gorgeous dress. I plan on toughening up the look with a leather j, black opaques and sky-high heels.

My Monday morning treat ... (it's allowed!)

So fashionistas ... What will you be purchasing this week?!

Until tomorrow


The First Of Many ...

For some, Monday mornings bring a yawn, an inbox filled with unopened emails and a five day count-down until the weekend begins again ... For me, it brings a new start!

Welcome to my blog post - a place where all things fun and fabulous will happen. A chance to share my passion for fashion, my love for styling and my addiction to shoes.

This blog will bring to you the best of the high-street, the latest designer must-haves, interesting interviews and fabulous pictures.

Monday mornings will never be the same again!
