Monday, 15 March 2010

Perfect Pout

Ever dreamt of the perfect lip gloss?

Well look no further. GOSH make-up have created every girls dream gloss. It has a mirror on one side and a built in LED light comes on when the lid is removed, so even in the darkest of places one will still have the facility for the perfect pout!

Girls, our lips will never be the same again. Purchase now, at £8.50 each, they are more than worth it.

Pucker up...

Sunday, 14 March 2010

Something To Ponder...

It has been a while - but I am back and thought I would start the week with something a little deep. I wrote this whilst I was working for ASOS and it was and will remain a favourite blog of mine. Read, enjoy and ponder...

A copycat is defined as 'a person or thing that copies, imitates, mimics, or follows the lead of another.'

We read the same magazines, we shop in the same shops, we watch the same programmes ... 24/7 we are observing other people, the way they walk, the way they talk and the way they dress ... We can't help but get a little inspiration from the person whose sat at the bus stop with fab shoes, or the person that's having a coffee whose bag you just have to have.

Being a lover of all things fashion orientated, I often get asked where my clothes are from or where I bought my latest arm candy … Friends constantly ask me to style them and being a stylist (and a friend) the answer is always of course!

But … at what point does it stop becoming flattering and simply becomes annoying?

All you true fashionistas out there know, that real style comes from the individual and the most inspiring outfits are put together by that individual.

So … Copycat, copycat, sitting on the doormat … Do we welcome them in or do we shoo them away?!


Tuesday, 23 February 2010

To Clog Or Not To Clog

I spy with my fashionable eye something beginning with... C.

Yes that's right - one of this season hottest shoe is no other than that of a Clog.

Seeing a picture of these in Vogue this month took me straight back to my early teen years when these wooden wonders where majorly in fashion. I honestly thought I'd seen the last of them.. but no, like most trends in fashion, these too have taken a huge u-turn and crept up upon us - except this time round, they are much higher and far more trendier!

Whether you are a designer diva and purchase your pair from Chanel or the high-street is more your thing and you grab yours from Zara, Clogs are most definitely the way forward!


Forget 3.1 more like 10.10!

Oh dear - I've fallen in lust - once again.

My fickle fashionable heart skips a beat each and every time I walk past 3.1 Philip Lim's creations.

Started in 2004, Phillip Lim began designing. An American fashion designer originally from a Chinese Ancestry, he creates couture to the t - or should I say c?! He knows exactly how 'fashionable women want to dress' and has been awarded 'emerging talent of the year' in 2007.

Embellished tops, sequin dresses, jumpsuits and high waisted cargo pants - there is an item for everyone and everyone has to have at least one item!
This season, this designer has taken the spot light. Versatile pieces with a sophisticated edge, which will take you from a casual Winter through to a smart Summer.
Creative, original and just divine. Philip Lim - I salute you!

Wednesday, 17 February 2010

Go Grab A Grey

Ok, ok so I know i'm like soooo two weeks ago but even so, I couldn't let a blog go by without a mention of this season's hottest nail colour.

Named '505 Particulière' - this Chanel creation is this Springs colour must-have and has just flown off the shelves. For those of you that didn't quite manage to get their naked nails on one - no worries - Opi are doing a very similar, if not identical colour.

Grey is the new Black don't you know!


Wish List - That Time Of The Week!

It's Wednesday and I haven't shopped for like a whole week... Grrrr.

Through my slightly flustered behaviour and major with-drawl symptoms, I have managed to put together
my top five must-have high-street items for the week that both you, me and everyone else needs to go out and purchase!

This long-sleeved button front blouse screams designer and is sure to add a sophisticated edge to any outfit you choose to wear.

Urban Outfitters - £45

If you haven't quite got the whole 'playsuit' thing then this lady print number will be sure to get you on board.

Oasis - £70

Demure dressing is the way forward and this dress is just that. Black tights and ankle boots for the winter and wedge shoes for the summer - perfection.

ASOS - £55

If you can't decide what to wear, then this black lace jacket will go with everything and anything and look effortlessly chic.

Miss Selfridge - £40

Erm hello pretties - stand tall and look fabulous in these suede beauties.

Topshop - £100

OK, so feeling a tiny bit better now I've written my 'things to buy list' - until the next one that is!


Monday, 15 February 2010

My Love For McQueen - £2,845

The fashion world is still in mourning at the huge loss of Lee McQueen (aka Alexander). He was an icon to many and it was not surprising he won 'Designer of the Year' four times.

It was only the other day that I wrote a list of that particular weeks blog titles and one of those was headed, 'My Love For McQueen.' Apart from the fact that I have gained a whole new level of admiration for his designs since working at Matches but also due to the fact that a couple of Fridays ago, as I helped to pick out some key items for a client's Spring/Summer wardrobe I suddenly remembered that we had just received the most phenomenal dress that day and it was still sat on the merchandising rail downstairs waiting to be taken to the shop floor.
Having only received two in the whole company, I just knew I had to get my client to try it on. It was love at first sight and without a second thought, she was the proud owner of this master-piece.

Heads will be turning when this creation is worn.

Alexander McQueen - thank you for bringing a whole new fashion level to this world. I hope your creations will continue in your name and you my dear designer RIP.


Wednesday, 10 February 2010

Barbie's Favourite Season!

If there is one item you are thinking of buying this month be sure to make it a dusty pink leather jacket.

It is one of this seasons hottest colours and the fashionistas are loving it!

£45 - Miss Selfridge

£200 - Malene Birger

You have to be in it, to pink it!


What A Girl Wants

Valentines day is creeping up and I have a sneaky feeling there will be a number of proposes over the weekend (eek). At the risk of sounding pessimistic, I can't say it is the most original of days to ask someone to marry you but I guess it's the most romantic (in a very cheese-on-absolute-toast kinda way!!)

Even so, for all those that are either

a) in no way shape or form ready to get married
b) in no way shape or form ready to propose
c) in no way shape or form in a relationship to even begin to contemplate marriage

listen carefully as I have hand picked my top five finger accessories that one just has to be seen wearing this season and there is no 'will you marry' involved!

£180 - Alexander McQueen

£260 - YSL

£110 - Kara Ross

£225 - Roberto Cavali

£175 - Swarovski

Engagement rings are sooo 2009!

Happy All


2010 is SO in

Just got home and am bursting at the seams with excitement... We had a meeting with the buyers of Matches this evening and went through the Look Book for Spring/Summer 2010 - one word - WOW!

We have such fabulous pieces coming in that I feel the urge to share each and every one with you... In fact, I think I will do just that!

Over the next few weeks, I will be sure to let you all know about the new designers we need to listen out for, the key pieces we need to start purchasing and the heirloom bag we need to invest in.

For now though, I will leave you with a key term for this season... Laid Back Luxe.

No more does the capsule wardrobe involve a pair of plaid trousers, a staple blazer, a white shirt and an LBD - this year it has been re-invented and shaken up with the likes of a leather jacket, suede gilets, cotton shorts and logo tees.

Leather Jacket £480
Theory -

Suede Gilet - £2,575
Balenciaga - Browns

Cotton Shorts £1,290
Balmain - net-a-porter

Logo Tee - £165
3.1 Phillip Lim -

It's time to put a twist back in to the classical.

Same time tomorrow


Monday, 8 February 2010

Strike A Match

Last week seemed to be a whirlwind of celebs, new designers, editors, champagne and pastel colours!

All four faces below took a trip to Matches last week and graced us with their perfect hair, perfect smiles and perfect presence...

Alexandra Shulman - Editor of VOGUE

Kimberely Walsh - Singer

Paula Reed - Editor of GRAZIA

Olivia Palermo - Actress

Same job, completely different clientele! Love it.

Have a fab day all

Wednesday, 3 February 2010

Me Want Marant

London Fashion Week is so close I can practically smell Anna Wintour's cologne! For the past few weeks we have been getting delivery upon delivery of the new Spring/Summer 2010 collection and I still feel the best is yet to come.

When I first started at Matches, I made a promise that I would bring to you all the latest Designer must-haves, celeb buys and style steals and today I will do just that.

The latest Designer to grace us with her wonderful pieces is no other than the French designer herself Isabel Marant. Shoppers are just falling for her pre-collection and her fringed boots are causing an absolute riot. Heel-friendly, trendy and oh-so versatile, these £840 beauties are on everybodys 'Wish List.'

Now for a wee bit of celeb goss - a fave Mancunian yummy Mummy, recently purchased a pair of these easy to wear ACNE jeggings. Whether it be running around after the little woddlers (wag and toddler) or having a night out with her friends, these £75 jeggings will work for any look.

Finally, add a serious splash of red to your wardrobe with this See by Chloe dress. My style steal of the week, reduced from £260 to £188, how could you refuse?!

Off to dream of all things fashion and fabulous...

Until tomorrow

Monday, 1 February 2010

60 Miles (plus a bit more) Makeover

It's not often that you find a friend that travels a few hundred miles to complete a few hundred hours of a mass wardrobe clear out - luckily for my friend, that friend is me!

On a cold Saturday afternoon, having spent the first part of the day wrapped in a duvet on the couch watching Glee, the sleeves were finally rolled back and 'Mission Wardrobe Clear out' begun. Starting with clothes, moving on to bags, shoes, accessories and personal possession, a mission not-so-impossible took place. Six hours, 8 bin bags and a categorised closet later - there was certainly a very huge light at the end of a very fashionable tunnel.

I'm sure there should be some sort of expression somewhere that defines a friendship by the amount of hours one spends in their friends closet!

A true friend deserved a true service and I can confidently say, I left her as one very happy customer (who happened to also be a best friend!)

So - are you feeling the urge, need or even desperation to have a mini/mass clear out - luckily for you I have
mastered the art in wardrobe weeding and have had many clients/friends thank me for a closet they now look forward to opening. I therefore feel the need to share my knowledge with you and have written a 1 to 10 step guide on how to say goodbye to those unwanted purchases and hello to the new ones.

Pen and paper at the ready... it's time for a good clear out!

1. Create three piles – one for the charity shop, one for eBay/car boot sale and one for those friends you think will appreciate your unwanted item.

2. Be methodical – start with clothes, move on to shoes, then accessories.

3. Make a list of those things you need or need to replace.

4. Starting with trousers, try on each pair, if they fit and are still in good condition, keep, if the button won't do up or they look like they have had better days, throw.

5. Move on to tops, if they have not been worn in the last year, there will be no other reason other than you simply don't need them.

6. The same rule applies for skirts and dresses, if they are not already walking themselves to the charity shop pile, then try them on and assess whether or not they are a keeper.

7. The smarter clothes should be evaluated more carefully. One is always allowed a few must-have items, which are those particular pieces that you just can't walk away from. No cheating though... if they are not heirloom, vintage or unique from a Paris boutique, then they go!

8. Colour co-ordinate your wardrobe, starting with trousers, through to skirts, dresses, cardigans and tops. Hang as many items up as you can, as this way it is easier to see what you have and will save you from accidentally buying something twice

9. Either hang your accessories with certain outfits, or place them on a hanger on their own. When they are more visible, you are more likely to wear them

10. Once your wardrobe is looking less like a jumble sale and more like United Colours of Benetton – you are free go shopping for more!


New Month - New Bag

Feels like I have been away for years... I'm back and what better way to start the week off than with incy wincy 'Wish List' !

Never one to say no to a bargain...

Brian Atwood booties - from £715 to £388

Adding a splash of colour...

Alexander McQueen scarf - from £185 to £112

It's time I'm able to tell the time...

Casio watch - from £42.50 to £34

Comfortable yet uber trendy...

Dorothy Perkins £25

I'm in the mood to spoil myself...

MIU MIU - £840

Pay day has just arrived and so has an excuse to splurge ... after all, new Month, new purchases!

Have a fabulous day all


Thursday, 21 January 2010

J'adore Le Hindmarch

OK - new love alert! There I was styling away at work today, completely unaware that these beauties were being placed on the shop floor behind me.

Anya Hindmarch has designed a fabulous collection of bags, all of which
regularly feature in leading fashion magazines.

Vibrant colours, exquisite leathers and gloss textures - day to night, these bags need to be worn.

Why not inject some Hindmarch into your Winter wardrobe this season and never look dull again!

Love, love, love.


Spot On Selfridges

I love what I do and I do what I love but having been on my feet for 12 hours straight - I am so ready for a relaxing weekend (with a pedicure thrown in for good measure!)

On my way in to work day, I took a detour pass Selfridges and couldn't help but stop, stare and take a few pics of their window displays.

Never one to fail on visual merchandising - Selfridges have their windows down to a tee. They are always interesting, colourful, diverse and current and somehow leave you wanting more.

I have a lot of love for the iconic yellow and black brand and am always a major fan of all the creativity they possess, especially when that possession features a pair of Louboutin shoes. (See if you can spot them in the pictures - it's like a fashionable game of 'Wheres Wally' !)


Wednesday, 20 January 2010

Concerts, Theatres + A Glamourous Cat!

I have been rather cultural recently, in the arts sense. I went to see Cirque Du Soliel a couple of weeks ago, which was totally magical and definitely recommended. I was fortunate enough to
see John Mayer live in concert last night - what.a.voice. He was fantastic and I have a new found appreciation for his guitar skills, his songs and his diverse vocals. Tonight I went to see Avenue Q in Theatre, which was absolutely hilarious. An absolute must see - who knew puppets could be that funny?!

A busy busy week so far and it's only Wednesday! I am taking a client shopping tomorrow evening and attending a friends Birthday, as well as packing a bag for the weekend as I am heading up north after work on Friday - pheeeew. Bring on sleep time!

Amongst all the John Mayer loving and puppet giggling, I managed to squeeze in an episode of Americas Next Top Model. Apart from the bitching, pettiness and general grrr of some of the girls - I really enjoy watching the programme. The girls are on a whole absolutely gorgeous and I love the creativity of each photo shoot.

I was tres excited to see that one of my fave online stores was the sponsor of the show. Check out the link below and have a giggle at ASOS' glamour puss!

Happy Thursday all

Tuesday, 19 January 2010

Loving Lola

I was just about to write about my must-have accessory for the week, when I realised Grazia had featured the exact same item - great fashion minds huh?!

I am all about a bit of bling on the fing (er) and what better way to make a statement than with Lola Rose's bold jewellery designs.

Since it's inception in the year 2000 her designs have gone from fashion strength to strength and personally I have been hooked for quite some time.

Nicola Gewirtz (the creator and designer) explains 'my philosophy on affordable luxury is quite simple - I wanted to create designs that my customers feel wonderful, bringing colour, glamour and a smile with every purchase.' As a loyal admirer, I can honestly say they do just that.

As Gewirtz says 'I think it is so important for women to occasionally spoil themselves without feeling guilty.' I could not have put it better myself and it is exactly this reason why I just purchased one of her fabulous pieces and you too can do just that at

Come on ladies - we all deserve a Lola treat!
